Drop off time, free play, morning art project
Healthy Morning Snack Time
Circle time, songs and sharing
Let's clean up our mess and get ready to go out!
*Diaper changes and potty time
We will go outdoors as long as weather permits! We will play at the park or in our beautiful yard, run in the sunshine, blow bubbles, build sandcastles, collect leaves and twigs for art, find bugs, play hide and seek, and stomp in puddles and look for rainbows.
Back inside, wash up for lunch
*diaper changes and potty time
Time to eat a delicious, healthy lunch. All meals and snacks are included as part of our program. No additional fees.
Clean up and get ready for our naps
*diaper changes and potty time
Quiet story time, mindfulness meditation
nap time - sweet dreams
*diaper changes and potty time
healthy afternoon snack
Dance & Movement / Art / Music lesson/ Outdoor time
time to finish up projects and head back indoors for the end of day farewells
Free Play time while we wait for our parents to pick us up.
Pick Up Time! Time to go home and talk about our day. See you tomorrow!
* additional diaper changing and potty time whenever necessary
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